Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Home Made White Russian (The Big Lebowski)

After giving my liver a few weeks off, I decided to get back into drinking mode after watching The Big Lebowski for the first time.

Okay, okay...I know this was your face when you read that I haven't seen The Big Lebowski before:

I understand, I totally get it.  For someone who started her career working at a video store, this was a huge oversight on my part.  In the end I think I didn't watch it because I knew it wasn't really my kind of movie.  I was right, but I did find a lot more of it amusing than I thought.

My favorite, of course, was the way that The Dude always seems to have a White Russian in his hand.  In fact, my favorite scene was the "Hey, careful, man, there's a beverage here!" because I'm always careful about spilling my own drinks.

I also do love a White Russian, especially since my Amaretto ran out so I can't make Toasted Almonds anymore.  Since a WR is made from Vodka, Kahlua, and Milk, I went to our home bar to get out the ingredients.  I found an ancient bottle of Smirnoff that had literally evaporated into nothing under the bar.

White Russian, Antique Smirnoff bottle
I threw it into our recycling bin, but my mother was worried about our neighbors judging her for having a "full bottle of vodka."  I told her that they will know by the label that she took at least two decades to get through that bottle, and no one will judge her.

There is something about this drink that makes me feel warm and comfortable, which I'm sure is why The Dude abides so willingly.  I was ready to put this up as a potential drink, then I realized that this movie wasn't actually filmed at the Bowling Stadium, and I was mixing it up with Kingpin, another movie I've yet to see.  I don't think that one has as much drinking in it, so it might be awhile before it pops up on my Netflix queue.

Also, after writing this I found a great Cracked video about how The Big Lebowski is pretty much Alice in Wonderland.  I approve.

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